First signs of Spring
Our science lesson today took us outside on a scavenger hunt looking for our local bird food source. Wandering around in our school yard I noticed many signs that spring was emerging.
Buds were popping out on the trees. A few wiggly worms along with a few small plants could be found under the damp matted down piles of leaves. Patches of bright green moss was growing on rotten logs in the woods. Daffodils were peeking out of the ground just waiting for a sunny day to blossom. Black capped chickadees were singing their tune while rapidly flitting from tree to tree unable to stay in one spot. A bright red cardinal perched high in a tree and a woodpecker rat-a-tat-tat on the trunk.
So many signs that spring is lurking just waiting to surprise everyone.
Time doesn't stand still but sometimes it feels as if it might. Some events you will look back and think fondly of them. Some events you will try hard to not look back because they are not easy to think about.
One of those days I try hard not to let my mind wander back to is the day of my son's funeral. It was a dark day even though the weather tried to tell a different tale. The sun was especially warm for a mid September day and the sunset was brilliant with purple, pinks, oranges painting the sky with vibrant colors.
At that time in my life that Trent left us here on Earth stood still as we suffered an unthinkable loss in agony I have felt that time did stand still. I mean how can life really go on without my son? How can others go on with their lives? His friends continued to go to school without him, Family gathered on holidays without him. All while I stood still unable to go on.
I must have figured out how to go on. I know this because in our front yard of our farm is a scarlet red maple tree. It was planted the day of Trent's funeral. They asked where I wanted it but I didn't care, I didn't tell them that, it was a nice gesture just too difficult to think about.
That scarlet maple tree has thrived over the years of agonizing loss. It now towers about 15 to 20 foot tall. In the summer the dogs lay under the shade of the tree and in the fall the colors are a brilliant red color.
So although it may seem as if time can stand still... it doesn't ... it can't. Life does go on even when you don't want it to but good can happen it just may take some time. Be patient.
Over the last 20 something years of commuting back and forth to school has evolved. It is only about eight miles but a lot can happen during that short ride. When my kids were young it was the stress of locating and loading all their outdoor gear to prepare for recess, making sure they had their homework, instruments, etc. Then there were the times that I got half way to school and one of them forgot something and I would have to turn around. Already stressed thinking about what I had to do for the day adding drive time to my morning was not in the plans. I may have have slammed on the brakes hard constricting them a tad bit with the seat belt. Sadly, I can't remember too many heartfelt conversations because I was too absorbed in the stress of work.
The next phase was when my kids weren't in school and it was just me. My morning consisted of getting myself ready. Drinking a cup of coffee and watching the morning news before heading into school. Cranking my favorite radio station up absorbed in my own head.
Now, the last phase is picking up my grand kids every morning and then bringing them home. Now it's my daughter who wears the stress of the morning routine on her face when I pick them up. The conversations I have with them are always entertaining.
My 5 year old granddaughter, Clair, told me one morning that her mother just doesn't understand her! This was after she was slowly trying to chose the perfect shoes to match her outfit.
This morning Clair was insistent that the full bright moon in the sky was the sun until I pointed out the sun on the other side. She just couldn't understand how you could see the moon and sun in the same sky. The moon is supposed to go to bed so the sun could come up. She was so surprised that the moon was following us to school. The chatter of small voices reminds me to slow down and enjoy the little moments. I have plenty of time to stew about the worries of the day.