Friday, December 6, 2013


As the holidays get closer my feelings are bittersweet this year.  I have two new step grandchildren that are excited about Christmas but on the other hand it's another holiday without my son, Trent.  He passed away five years ago on a quad at only 15 years old.  Each year it gets a little easier to cope with but I still have that huge hole with out him.  I was cleaning out a "junk" drawer last night and I found a tablet that Trent and I had kept a game score on it.  Just looking at his handwriting Mom vs. Trent was enough to bring back a flood of memories.  He loved to play games.  In particular Monopoly... probably because it is the longest game in the world.  Playing those simple card or board games I realize now was the most valuable time spent together.
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in planning elaborate activities with our families that we don't realize that these simple things like playing a game with the family means more.  When we played together we were building a good relationship by talking and enjoying each other's company.   I would give anything for those days back but I know that I have those memories to cherish and can build new ones with my grandchildren... by just spending time getting to know them.  


  1. YAY! You did it!
    Holding onto memories is a good thing. I am glad you found that little pad of paper last night to remind you that the simple things are sometimes the best. It is a great reminder to us all.

  2. Welcome aboard!
    My niece passed away at 2 years old in a car accident. My favorite memory is how she loved to play with people's shoes. I have a great picture of her trying to walk around in my sandals. It's the simple things that we hold near and dear to us!
