Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Pot Hole Conspiracy.

If you ever driven the roads in Michigan you have experienced the game called "Dodge the potholes".  It's a challenge!  Just when you think you can straddle one to avoid another, BAM! your wheel falls in the deep hole and jars all the teeth in your head let alone probably damaging the whatchamajigger on your vehicle.  Some potholes stretch across the entire two lanes on the road making it impossible to avoid them unless you try to drive on the side of the road. This can also prove to be dangerous as the roads are so thin that there is no shoulder only sticky, gooey mud and you definitely don't want to get sucked into the ditch.
You are probably wondering why I think it's a pot hole conspiracy.  Well, here are my reasons. First of all I think they allow these potholes to expand so that it gives the county workers something to keep them busy all day, every day hauling dump trucks
full of asphalt to fill one hole at a time .  Second, the government can hire official pothole engineers to figure out how to redesign them because repaving seems to straight forward.  Third of all, I think the car manufacturers are in on the conspiracy because after driving around on these roads the life expectancy of your vehicle has now been downgraded.  Therefor you will be shopping more often for new vehicles.
I used to worry about the deer leaping in front of me on the way to and from work but at least the odds were slimmer of hitting a deer than hitting a pothole.


  1. Amen! You know you live in Michigan when it looks like you are driving drunk...swerving, weaving from side to side, slowing down and speeding up. It's ridiculous! I think you might be on to something with your theory. I also think the deer know to stay away from the roads right now. I mean, one false step and they will sink to their eyeballs in a pothole!

  2. You swerve to miss one pothole and then just get another. I don't live in Michigan, but I have changed routes to work because of all the potholes.

  3. Ok, so this is hilarious for multiple reasons and I literally hit a deer tonight.

    1. Oh my gosh that's horrible! The deer must have swallowed your little car! Hope everyone is all right!

  4. Great piece, Kris! I love your "clearly stated reasons". You are a great model for an amazing persuasive piece! Your students would be proud. Your conspiracy theory made me laugh. I think you have hit the nail on the head!

  5. Great piece, Kris! I love your "clearly stated reasons". You are a great model for an amazing persuasive piece! Your students would be proud. Your conspiracy theory made me laugh. I think you have hit the nail on the head!

  6. Funny, but we say similar things here in Denver. There is a pothole hotline so people can leave a message about big potholes desperate to be filled. This is a comedian's stand-up act, so well done, and funny!
