Friday, March 18, 2016

The Tricycle

Tricycle's these days are definitely more sophisticated then when I had my kids.  One evening while I was pushing my granddaughter around on her tricycle, all bent over. I made a decision that I needed one with a push handle on it so my back wouldn't get all cricked up.  My husband and son-in-law are very handy when it comes to fabrication, which is a fancy way of saying they can  modify or rig anything up, if they want.  They didn't want to.  So, I went home and got on the Internet and low and behold they sell tricycles with a push bars on them... lots of them.  After a lot of deliberation, reading reviews and weighing out each option, yes, each brand has their own bells and whistles. So, choosing one was difficult, I finally made a purchase.
It finally arrived at the farm in a box with lots of pieces and parts.  The guys all said that it had too many parts and it was going to take some time.  Really!  They are putting together a semi right now, rebuilding a motor, transmission and fabricating axles for it.  How hard can a tricycle build be? 
Today, I pulled out the instructions and made a big deal about how I was going to get this thing together.  Then I pulled out all the parts in the box, there were about ten at the most, and I began the project.  Really, that's all it takes because the men have to take it over sure that I'll mess it up. 
The bike is done and Clair loves it and so do I!  I can push her around the shop and steer from the back. Clair thinks she is riding a bike like the big kids.  I wish they would have had these when my kids were little. 
Job done!


  1. Awesome! Sounds like there will lots of good times on this trike!

  2. Double awesome! Mission accomplished, nicely told story, plus you and Clair get to enjoy that neat new tricycle!

  3. Double awesome! Mission accomplished, nicely told story, plus you and Clair get to enjoy that neat new tricycle!

  4. Love it! I love the way they had to take over once you got started - hilarious!

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